Monday, June 29, 2020

Just Be You...

Who wouldn't like to walk on water? One magician devised an illusion for his audience in which he walked across the water of a swimming pool, but he was secretly wearing
a pair of transparent struts. 

In August 2006, an African evangelist named Franck Kabele insisted he could repeat the biblical miracle of Peter's walking on water, but he drowned in the attempt.

No place in the Bible are we told to emulate the miracles of Jesus. We are to learn from them and let them guide and shape our lives.  

The miracles were 'signs' to teach us about His power in our lives. Peter had enough faith to step out of the boat and onto the water, but he was distracted by the splashing of the waves and the force of the wind. He became fearful, took his eyes off Jesus, and began to sink.

There are two approaches to life. We can focus on Jesus and acknowledge the storm, or we can focus on the storm and acknowledge Jesus. 

By keeping our eyes on our Lord, we can live above the circumstances with an attitude of joy that will empower us to weather the storms of life with a quiet confidence that our Lord Jesus has our back.

Seeking and Sowing… Anywhere, Everywhere

  Maybe you know a missionary couple who have toiled for decades in a far away country and ended up with precious little to show for their l...