Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jesus and People...

Jesus loved people. No doubt about that. If there is any one aspect of his character that convicts us that Jesus is divine, it is his compassion for people.

What is astonishing is the variety of people that Jesus met and ministered to: men and women, old and young, Jew, Samaritan, Syrophoenician, Greek and Roman, Sadducee and Pharisee, Zealot and Herodian, rich men and poor men, lepers, demented, blind, deaf, lame, tax-collectors, harlots, fishermen and lawyers. The Gospels were not deliberately setting out to list all the variety of people he interacted with, - he just had a very compassionate way with people that drew crowds and attracted individuals.

One is immediately struck by the contrasts - Jesus will dine with the socially despised and the honored, with friends and with adversaries and critics. He speaks out for the poor, but he does not ostracize the rich.

To be sure, his extraordinary gift of being at ease with all sorts of persons undoubtedly drew the common people to him. His was a time when the social strata lines were sharply drawn, but with unembarrassed ease he ate alike with Simon, the Pharisee, and with tax collectors and sinners. It was a time when stiff conventionalities limited social interaction between the sexes, but he was able whether in public or in private to associate with men and women on equal terms.

He was at home with little children in their innocence and strangely enough at home too with conscience-stricken grafters like Zacchaeus. Respectable home-keeping women, such as Mary and Martha, could talk with him with natural frankness, but courtesans also sought him out as though assured that he would understand and befriend them.

He was loyal and faithful to his Jewish heritage, yet in the good Samaritan he portrayed incarnate unselfishness, and in a Roman centurion he found more faith than he had found in Israel. This inclusiveness of Jesus, and his ease at navigating the social boundaries that hemmed ordinary people in, is one of his most profound qualities.

The world of Jesus time and our world of today are very similar. Then and now, the world is not a kind place. You don’t have to be a student of history to know that religion has often served as a tool to control people rather than as a means to serve them. Claiming intimacy with God provides all the rationale that is needed for some to treat their fellow man in harsh, abusive and compassionless ways. Karl Marx once called called religion the “opiate of the masses” - frequently it has been a tyrant in the name of God.

It was common, for instance, for eastern rulers to claim deity for themselves to solidify their political power. They used that claim to justify wars, massacres, persecutions, assassination of enemies, etc. From about A.D. 1100 to 1300, the Inquisition raged in Spain and southern Europe. Once again, it was those who claimed intimacy with God who felt perfectly justified in imprisoning, torturing, and murdering their fellow humans.

Remember that it was not the religiously apathetic or even those antagonistic to religious belief who sent Jesus Christ to the cross. It was the religious leaders of Israel, those who thought themselves to be right with God and approved by God, who, in the name of God, murdered His son and persecuted his followers.

Many people throughout history and from a wide variety of belief traditions have defined religion solely in terms of a relationship with God.

Indeed our faith is a vertical business conducted between heaven and earth, and seems to have little relationship to the horizontal connections we have with our fellow man. However, our Lord and Savior clearly shows us that intimacy with God necessitates the right treatment of people. Authentic Christianity has as much to do with how we relate to each other as it does with how we relate to God.

We cannot claim a love of God, whom we have not seen, without loving the people we see every day. To Jesus, religion is not just vertical and God-centered; it is horizontal and people-focused as well. Remember what Jesus said when questioned about the “greatest commandment of the law”....

Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’’ Jesus replied: ‘‘‘Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’’ Matthew 22:36-40

Find your balance. Love God... Love people. Express your genuine love for God by your sincere acts of service to others. What more can be said?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Satan: REAL, Powerful and out to ruin YOU!

For many, Satan is a nasty being with horns, a pointed tail and a pitchfork who entices unsuspecting people to travel merrily down life’s wide, spacious and pleasure filled road to a horrific end – eternity in a real burning hell. Others, who fancy themselves to be well informed sophisticated thinkers, are not so sure that is the case at all. They feel that Satan is not a being who influences people to do bad things, but merely a name given to an evil force that exists within every person. St. Augustine’s third century philosophical notion that evil is merely the absence of good is also widely held by many today—in other words the generally accepted belief today is that Satan the Devil does not really exist! He has been created to explain and justify the natural evil and wickedness that emanates from man. A of personification of evil.

What’s your view of Satan the Devil? What does the Bible say about Satan, and what should Christians believe about him? Knowing that he is real, thereby understanding his nature, character and tactics enables you to have a “biblically grounded worldview” consistent with all that Scripture teaches about God and His arch enemy.

The Barna Group, () a noted researcher of religious attitudes and beliefs, has found that a very small percentage of born again Christians hold to a biblical worldview. Barna defines a “biblical worldview” as having the following six elements: “The Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.”

The Barna surveys, among others, show that many Christians think that belief in Satan is optional. They argue, if I believe in Jesus that is enough. But if you believe that Jesus was and is God, then you must believe that Satan exists. Satan is mentioned in the Gospels twenty-nine times. And in twenty-five of those references, Jesus is the one talking about or interacting with Satan.

It is also worth noting that Satan is mentioned many other times in the Bible. Satan is referenced in seven Old Testament books and every New Testament writer talks about Satan. Belief in Satan, God’s adversary and enemy, is not optional for a true believer.

When Satan is discussed in the New Testament, he is identified by three titles. These three titles describe his power on earth and his influence in the world:

Ruler of the world – Jesus refers to Satan as “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11). This means that he can use the elements of society, culture, and government to achieve his evil ends in this world. That doesn’t mean that every aspect of society or culture is evil. And it doesn’t mean that Satan has complete control of every politician or governmental bureaucrat. But it does mean that Satan can influence and manipulate the world’s systems to his evil ends.

God of this world – Paul refers to Satan as “the god of this world” who “has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Satan sets himself up as a false god to many. His power over religion and the ability to promote false religions keeps people from knowing the true gospel.

Prince of the air – Paul reminds Christians that they “formerly walked according to the ways of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air.” Satan is the “prince of the air” and thus can control the thoughts of those living under the influence of the world’s systems. The Bible says: “The whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19). So we should not be surprised that we find ourselves in the midst of spiritual warfare.

How Did Satan Fall?
The Bible doesn’t say much about Satan and his fall. However, there are two passages in Scripture that many believe does describe Satan’s fall but not all theologians are in agreement. These passages are Ezekiel 28:11-19 and Isaiah 14:12-19.

Ezekiel predicts the coming judgment of the Gentile nations and refers to “the prince (or leader) of Tyre” and then later to “the king of Tyre.” These do not seem to be the same person. The first is obviously the earthly leader of the city Tyre. Ezekiel is predicting his ultimate downfall and the destruction of his kingdom.

The person referred to as the “king of Tyre” seems to be a different person. He has “the seal of perfection” and was “blameless.” He is described as “full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.” It also says that he was “in Eden, the garden of God.”

It appears that the “king of Tyre” describes Satan who was serving God as an angel. The passage further says that Satan was “lifted up” because of his beauty which many commentators suggest mean that he was one of the greatest of all God’s creations. But he chose to rebel against God’s authority and therefore sinned. This passage says “you sinned” and “you corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor.”

Another passage that appears to be talking about Satan is where the prophet Isaiah is predicting that God will bring judgment against Babylon. The first part of chapter 14 (verses 1-11) is directed at the king of Babylon. But many theologians and commentators believe that the subject changes in the next section (verses 12-19) because it focuses on the “star of the morning.”

It's worth mentioning that the “star of the morning” in verse 12 could just as easily be translated “the shining one.” That connects with Paul’s statement that Satan is an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). The passage also says that he has “fallen from heaven.” It seems like these passages are not talking about the Babylonian king, but actually referring to Satan.

If this passage is talking about Satan, then it tells us more about his motivations that led to his fall. Five times in this passage we see the phrase “I will.” He is prideful and wants to achieve a position “above the stars of God” (Isaiah 14:13). He also sought to be “like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14). And he wanted to “sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north” (Isaiah 14:13). Each of these pride-fueled desires tell al lot about his motivations.

From this passage we discover three things about Satan. First, Satan wanted to be superior to creation. Second, Satan wanted to be superior to the Creator. Third, Satan wanted a superior place to rule all of creation.

What Do We Know About Satan’s Character?
The Bible tells us a great deal about Satan through the various names that are given to him. It is the names described in Scripture that are most important to our understanding of him, as they reveal aspects of his nature and character. The most commonly used name is that of “Satan.” In Hebrew the name means “adversary.” He is opposed to God and His plans. And Satan is primarily opposed to God’s plan for human lives. If we are to be successful in spiritual warfare, we must understand that he is our adversary. This characteristic of Satan, as an “adversary” of all things good... is significant. The Old Testament uses the name Satan eighteen times, and it is used thirty-four times in the New Testament.

Another common name is “the Devil.” This name tends to be thought of as his generic name, but it is far more meaningful that a simple generic reference. The name “Devil” in the Greek language is diabolos and is derived from a verb meaning “to throw.” The Devil “throws” accusations and lies at God and at His followers. This is a significant part of spiritual warfare. He accuses believers while he slanders and defames the name of God. The name “Devil” occurs thirty-six times in the New Testament.

There is one passage in the New Testament that uses both of these names for Satan. Peter warns believers about Satan who is an “adversary” and “the devil” who is on the prowl like roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8 ESV; ASV; NKJV). He is a formidable adversary that believing Christians should not take lightly.

Satan is also known as the “tempter.” He tempts us to follow him and his evil ways rather than follow God’s plan for our lives. When he appeared to Jesus in the wilderness, he was referred to as the tempter (Matthew 4:3). Also, Paul refers to Satan as “the tempter” (1 Thessalonians 3:5) and thus illustrates one of the key characteristics of Satan: he tempts humans towards sin.

A related name is “serpent.” Satan took the form of a serpent to tempt Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). Paul talks about Satan tempting Eve due to his subtle tempting and craftiness (2 Corinthians 11:3). In addition to tempting believers, Satan is referred to as the “accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10).

Satan is also called “the evil one” both by Jesus (John 17:15) and the Apostle John (1 John 5:18-19). Satan can influence and control the world system, but believers are given the power to resist his influences and evil intentions. Satan is the source of much of the evil in the world, and that is why believers must be cognizant of his potential impact, ever vigilant that we are in a war of attrition with him... a spiritual warfare to ruin all who would walk with God.

We also see his power in the names that describe his dominion. He is described as “the god of this world” in 2 Corinthians 4:4. He is also called “the prince of the world” (John 14:30) and “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2). And he is known as “the ruler of the demons” in Matthew 12:24.

How Are We Caught in the Snares of Satan?
The Bible warns us that Satan can capture our minds and divert us away from God’s purpose. Things of the world can become a “snare” to us. In certain biblical passages (for example, Psalm 124), we can read about fowlers (catchers of birds) and the use of snares to accomplish their task. They would capture birds by spreading a net on the ground that was attached to ropes. When the birds landed to eat the seeds spread out around the net, fowlers would pull the ropes causing the net to close quickly around the birds, catching them in the net.

A snare could be anything Satan uses that entangles us or impedes our progress in our Christian walk. It could be a roadblock or it could be a diversion. A wise and discerning Christian should be alert for snares that can prevent your effectiveness and even go so far as to ruin your relationship with God.

The character of Satan gives us some insight into his methods and techniques. James gives us a perspective on this by telling us that when we are tempted we should not blame God. Instead, we should understand the nature of temptation and enticement. “But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death” (James 1:14-15).

James shows that temptation toward sin in usually a process rather than a single act. We are tempted and then carried away and enticed by our own lust. Like a fisherman who tries to catch a fish using bait, Satan tries to entice us by placing before us something that will cause us to be carried away. Then when lust has conceived or firmly rooted in our hearts, we do it again, and again and eventually experience a spiritual death, by sinning against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31; Mark 3:29).

Satan is not only the tempter, but he is a subtle deceiver “who deceives the whole world” (Revelation 12:9). Jesus warned that there will be “false Christs and false prophets” who will “show great signs and wonders.” They will be so convincing that they “shall deceive the very elect” (Matthew 24:24).

Paul warns that Satan disguises himself as an “angel of light” and his demons transform themselves to appear as “ministers of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Satan’s main strategy is to lie, deceive and misrepresent. Jesus said concerning Satan, “When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). Paul prays that Christians would “no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting” (Ephesians 4:14). The many world religions and even the denominations of Christianity fit this form of Satan's deception. They feel good , they look good, they even speak a form of truth, but are leading people away from God's pure unadulterated truths to destruction.

How Did Jesus Resist the Temptations of Satan?
How can we resist Satan’s temptations? We can learn some valuable lessons about how to deal with spiritual warfare by watching how Jesus was able to resist the temptations of Satan (Matthew 4; Mark 1; Luke 4) in the forty-day Temptation. The Bible records three attempts by Satan to get Jesus to act independently of His Father’s will for Him.

Challenged God’s provision – Satan first challenged Jesus to turn stones into bread (Matthew 4:3). The Bible tells us that Jesus was very hungry after fasting for forty days. While Jesus had the power to do so, He resisted because it was His Father’s will that he fast in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights.

Instead Jesus quotes a portion of Deuteronomy 8:3 back to Satan. “But He answered and said, ‘It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:4). Obedience to God defeats the schemes of Satan.

Challenged God’s protection – Satan next took Jesus into “the holy city and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple” (Ma?tthew 4:5). He then commanded Jesus to throw Himself down in order for the angels to protect Him. In other words, Satan wanted Jesus to take His protection into His own hands and no longer trust in God’s protection. Notice that Satan even quotes Scripture (Psalm 91) to Jesus (Matthew 4:6) in order to tempt Him.

Jesus, however, quotes a portion of Deuteronomy 6:16 back to Satan. “Jesus said to him, ‘On the other hand, it is written, you shall not put the Lord your God to the test”” (Matthew 4:7).

Challenged God’s dominion – Satan then took Jesus “to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory” (Matthew 4:8). And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me” (Matthew 4:9). Satan would give Jesus rule and dominion over all that the world could provide if he were turn away from His mission to save mankind and worship Satan.

Notice that Jesus did not challenge Satan’s claim that he had the kingdoms of the world to give to Him. After all, Satan is the “prince of this world” (John 12:31). But instead Jesus said to him, “Go Satan! For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only” (Matthew 4:10).

As believers we should remind ourselves that Satan is a defeated foe. Jesus tells us that “the ruler of this world has been judged” (John 16:11). However, before that judgement is carried out, his influence is still in full force throughout the world. The Bible clearly shows that Satan is a very real being. We should not deceive ourselves into believing he is nothing more than man’s internal evil inclinations. He is a dangerous opponent of every Christian. His goal is deception, division and destruction of all honest-hearted believers. He wants to ruin your relationship with God, thereby ending your opportunity for eternal life.

We must not forget... his domain of influence is the world we live in. Jesus refers to Satan as “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31). John tells us that “The whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19). And Peter reminds us that “the Devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). However, we can prevail against him, if we know our adversary and how he works. The good news is that “greater is He [the Holy Spirit] who is in you, than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

The questions that challenge each of us are many. Do we know our adversary and do we understand what we are up against in our quest to be faithful and obedient to God? Do we recognize when Satan is focusing in on us, or does he repeatedly catch us off guard? Are you following God’s instructions for holy living and heeding the biblical examples recorded for our instruction of those who have battled Satan’s influences and remained faithful to God?

Are we constantly on-guard and close enough to God to sense when Satan is beginning to play with our thoughts, opinions and perspectives? Do we regularly ask God for the strength to resist Satan’s attacks? These are a few of the daily challenges we all face.

Be courageous, for we have a most powerful alley... the Holy Spirit within us... that God makes available to those who have given over their lives to walk with Him. Be part of the winning team!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What were YOU thinking? – Part II

I don’t know how long it was before God announced in the heavenly realm, for all angels and spirit creates to hear, including you and your rebellious followers, that He had a plan to make what you had spoiled... right. “Satan, do you recall the day when that announcement rang loudly throughout heaven?”

Based on what we all know of your character, hearing the news that God had a plan and a volunteer to make it happen, must have been a real blow to your arrogance and ego. You know what He said... it’s recorded in Genesis 3:14-15. Here’s what it says.... So the LORD God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

“Did you know who “he” was when you heard this?” There’s no question, “you” were “you” and the subject of this stern declaration of judgement and things to come. “How did it make you feel to know that before you even had a good start in your quest to run amok over humanity, that God already had a plan to bring an end to your murderous mischief?”

“Did you think if you drew a line in the sand with God Almighty, ruining His good and perfect creation, humanity, that you would somehow thwart His plan?”

I don’t doubt for a minute that you must have believed your rebellion was to be a zero sum war. A war of attrition ...to the last man. Ruin all of humanity and God would be defeated. There would be no one for Him to hold up as righteous among humankind. “See, your strategy tells me you knew God’s character and holiness. You knew He could only act in one way – righteously and justly in all things.”

I guess you underestimated fallen man’s character and potential to rise above the vile influences of sin and degradation you wrought on humanity. You missed the qualities deep within our souls that God knew would be capable of sustaining us in withstanding your evil influence.

When the time came for God’s plan to begin... you knew exactly who you would face in the greatest confrontation in all of history. God himself in the person of Jesus, the Christ, born of an earthly woman, fully man and fully God. He would be directly involved in the redemption of His creation – humanity. With your only weapons, the same one’s you used in the Garden of Eden... subtlety, implication, deception and inference, you thought you could even influence the Messiah to rebel against the Father. You took on Jesus head-to-head in the wilderness and He knocked you back... he rebuked you by using the most powerful resource available to all of your enemies... God’s own Words! Those holy words consumed your lies and deception like purifying fire.

“How did you feel when you lost to the “Son of God? Were you reminded of the prophecy in Genesis 3:15?”

You couldn’t even defeat the Cross! The cross is the best friend humanity has ever had. It was God’s great gift of love. Nothing more than old timbers assembled in the shape of a cross, used to torture and execute criminals, became the instrument of mankind’s redemption. I’ll bet you’re still reeling from that one!

There is NO WAY Satan, you can’t ever say God hasn’t played fair! You can’t accuse Him of not giving you every possible opportunity to influence humanity to follow you. He’s been more than fair in dealing with you. God’s fair-play is one of the reasons Christians love Him so much... it’s why all of His followers try so hard to resist your evil influences.

God gave you a man to do with as you would. His name was Job. You negotiated with God the terms of your evil aggression and “He granted you permission” to do whatever you wanted to that man, except kill him. “Remember that battle of wills Satan?” You reached out in your murderous frenzy and took everything from that righteous man, Job. You killed his entire family, took his wealth, turned his friends against him and only left him alive covered in boils, because God told you, you could not take his life. “Would you like me to read what Job did after all the horrible things had happened to him?” Here’s what that man you tried to crush did after suffering such great loss... At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing. (Job 1:20-22)

“Seriously Satan... what does it feel like to do what you did, with God’s permission, and then see the man drop to knees, maybe even face down in the dirt... and worship God Almighty!” “...May the name of the LORD be praised.” Satan, you got kicked right square in the gut by a small weak human fraught with imperfections and living under the curse of death. Job landed the greatest punch of all punches, right in your pride! You want to know why? Job thought God had destroyed his family and taken away his possessions. He thought God did it all to him, not you! And he STILL worshipped and praised God for His goodness!

You need to understand something Satan... not in all of recorded human history has so much bad happened to one man as what you did to Job. And yes... you’ve been behind the scenes influencing men with evil in their hearts to commit some of histories most horrific crimes, but nothing compares to what your direct hand did to Job. You lost! You could not turn that man away, regardless of what happened, from his allegiance to the one true God.

“When you saw how Job reacted, didn’t you think then you were waging a war you had no chance of winning?” Surely, you must have seen then the potential for many many more humans, thousands, millions through the ages, reacting in obedience and faithfulness the same way as Job when confronted with wickedness and even death?

It’s hard for me to understand you Satan. You are so incredibly charming at times, I find it hard to imagine the depth of evil that permeates your entire being. Even God says you can come off looking and acting like “an angel of light”... alluring, convincing, mesmerizing, intoxicating to the human spirit.

True believers acknowledge your superiority Satan... you are an intelligent and powerful spirit being, no doubt about that. Yet even today, knowing full well you’ve lost your futile war against God, you still seek to ruin lives. I think you’ve missed a very important point about the war you’ve been waging: since the “victory of Christ over death” at the cross, it only takes “one person” to be loyal, faithful, and obedient to God for Him to declare victory. Just one man or woman. Just one.

“Oh, you think that’s not fair?” Maybe so. Maybe it should be 1 or 2 billion people “accorded as righteous” in the eyes of God for the “victory” to be fairly His. What difference does a number make anyway, God makes the rules. HE is the creator of all things.

This discussion keeps coming back to those very basic facts about God’s character and attributes: His Holiness, His Power, His Justice, His Righteousness, His Goodness, His Love, His Mercy and all the many qualities that make Him superior to you. But that’s the reality you’re dealing with Satan. You never had what it takes to make the rules to govern a universe, and the moment you started thinking you could ...your fate was sealed. All God did was put a divine plan in motion, a perfect plan, to redeem that which you had tarnished by in-sighting rebellion among His creation... in heaven and on earth.

You Satan, by your slander and deception caused humanity to be separated from God, until such time as His plan of redemption and salvation through Jesus the Christ, could be revealed and fulfilled.

“God was always going to win Satan. and you were destined to be the greatest loser in all of His creation. What were you thinking?”

This concludes the hypothetical interview or a very one-sided dialog with Satan the great deceiver mankind and slanderer of God. What more is there to discuss. We know his origin... his rebellion... and we know his end.

The only question that remains for all of us... can we and will we resist his influence in our lives.

Next time... an up close look at our defenses against the machinations of Satan, the Devil.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What were YOU thinking? – Part I

The driving force behind any good journalist is the dream of getting the interview of the century with the biggest, most controversial, magnanimous high profile personality of all time.  A single interview with the right famous person can make that journalist a household name.

Maybe you remember the first-ever television interview with Osama Bin Laden conducted by Peter Arnett in eastern Afghanistan in late March 1997.  Or, the interview with bin Laden published in a Karachi Pakistan daily newspaper, exactly 17 days after 9/11/2001.  Adolph Hitler was Time magazines “Person of the Year” for 1938.  The issue and interview published January 2, 1939 just eight months before German armies invaded Poland starting WWII.  Journalist have conducted interviews with many infamous people who have committed horrible crimes against the innocent, causing untold pain and suffering.  Questions get asked... answers are given... and the infamous gets their 15 minutes of fame, forever recorded in the annals and archives of our collective psyche.

One interview that has never happened... is with Satan the Devil, the slanderer of God and great deceiver of mankind.  It’s illogical to think a real sit down interview with God’s greatest adversary could ever happen. But the idea of being face-to-face with the Devil, asking him probing questions about his motives is mind bending to say the least.

How would you start such an interview? With God’s arch-enemy, who has been in rebellion since the beginning of creation, you would need a question that cuts to the core quickly and decisively. I thinks there’s really only one question that needs to be asked of God’s archive rival...   What were you thinking?

Since such an interview could never happen, here’s a look at a hypothetical conversation or a very biased one-sided monologue, with God’s arch enemy. I do most of the questioning [and answering], because I’m not sure Satan could provide any logical or defensible answers... so I’ll do most of his talking for him.

“I’ve been wondering how I should address you Satan... you have so many names.  Do you have one you prefer, more than others?”  "Let’s see, we should probably pick from this list:  Satan, Lucifer, fallen angel, Arch-fiend, Prince of Darkness, Prince of this world, serpent, Tempter, Adversary, Antichrist, Diabolus, Father of Lies, angel of the bottomless pit, Apollyon, Abaddon, foul fiend, Ahriman, Mephistoles, His Satanic Majesty, the Old Gentleman, Old Nick, Old Harry, Old Scratch, Auld Hornie, Clootie.  “Whew, that’s a lot of names, with many inferring an almost endearing quality about them!"

“I’m sorry Satan, you may like the name Old Scratch, but I know who you are, what you are and what you’ve wrought on humanity since the deception in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, I can only address you by the names God has given you... slanderer and deceiver – Satan and Devil.”  “I also don’t want you to get the wrong idea from this interview... we’re not friends or allies on any level, in any way.” “Just so you know, I hold all the publishing rights to this interview and you will not receive any royalties whatsoever... I hope you understand?"

“Let me start with the obvious question... What were you thinking?”  I am totally mystified by what you did in heaven.  I think I can speak for everyone who has ever known of you and your rebellion, we're all bewildered by what you did.  God, the Creator of all things, the universe, all angelic creatures, including you, and the likes of Michael the Arch Angel, and every living spirit who gained life by His hand.  You were there!  You could see God on His throne... surround by His majestic aura and brilliance.  How could you not be in awe of His magnificence, splendor and power?

“What was missing in you?”  God makes perfect things. He can’t make defective anything... it’s not possible for him to do that.  So you can’t lean on a defense that a couple of your screws were loose... that won’t hold water Satan.   God has even told humans through His Word the Bible, (you know about that book don’t you) that you were one of the “most beautiful” of all his spirit creations. I’ll be honest with you, I’ve never been quite sure how to react to that concept.  It suggests that other angels were “less good looking” than you.  Maybe so, but the point is this... you had it all and decided what you had wasn’t enough!  Where I come from we call that stupidity!

“Say what?”  “You decided that you could run heaven and the future earth inhabited by God’s planned creation of humankind better than He could?”   I guess I already knew that would be your answer... its old news... but I wanted to hear you say it one more time.  Goes to credibility Satan... you got none!  What blows my mind is you still think you have a chance to win this thing between you and God, don’t you? No matter how hard I try to comprehend what you did, I can’t make any logical sense of it.

“Yes Satan, I know all about “free will.”  It ‘s been the plague of humankind since you’re evil trickery in the Garden of Eden.”  It’s easier for me to accept the dangerous aspects of “free will” because of your deceptive influence on humans who can’t see the magnificence of God on his throne, than it is to understand how you could rebel against Him when you could see Him.  I have to digest and process everything in a silo of “faith and trust,” you however could see Him.  You should have had no doubts about anything. You knew and understood your position as a created being... given life by an Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God.  You are none of those things, and could never gain such awesome power.  Satan, think about it... you decided to wage war against the supreme being of the universe... an adversary you could not possibly defeat.   What were you thinking?

I think we have a foundation now for discussing some things about your impressions of God that really need clarification.

I hope you won’t be frustrated by my continuous reference to the fact that you “knew God... up close and most likely very personally.”  I have never had that experience, no human has.  However, those humans who have taken the time to probe the nature and character of God as He has revealed Himself through His written Word the Bible, can come to a very deep understanding of His divine attributes and characteristics.  At times, this understanding comes in waves of emotion that actually makes me weep tears.  Everyone is different in how they come to know and understand God.  Satan, it has been my experience that we humans shed tears of joy when we come to know the nature and character of God.  We’re humbled and struck by indescribable awe at the holiness, righteousness, impartiality, mercy and love of God Almighty, the Creator of ALL Things!  “Can you tell me why you didn’t experience a similar reaction to God’s obvious character attributes?”

I’m a nobody in the big scheme of things, and even I can come to an understanding of the most superlative attribute God’s character – His Holiness.  I rely on the Bible to understand God.  Satan... you didn’t need a book, God was right in front of you!

The central truth behind all that Scripture tells humankind about God, is that He is “MAJESTIC IN HOLINESS” (Exodus 15:11). I’m sure you know the Bible pretty well, so what I’m telling you is not new information. You know very well that Scripture refers to the Holiness of God more than any other of His unique attributes.

The Holiness of God is central to his entire character. No other attribute of God is as defining and essential for us to understand than His holiness. God is holy primarily and transcendentally.  God is intrinsically holy... All he does is holy; he cannot act but like himself; he can no more do an unrighteous act than the sun can turn dark. He is absolute Purity, unsullied even by the shadow of sin. His holiness is the very antithesis of all moral blemish or defilement. He is the original and perfect pattern of holiness. You knew Habakkuk... well he said that God was of “purer outlook than to even behold evil.”

Okay, Satan... what happened in heaven that gave “you” the idea that “you” could make the rules by which “all created beings” would live by?   Seriously, did you even have a plan that was better than what God had already set in motion?  Or are you just interested in creating chaos and destruction?

Before you ever existed God had already defined the rules for the universe.  His holiness, an attribute which you never had, defines all of His actions.  To be holy is to be distinct, separate, in a class by oneself.  God is the only one in that class... couldn’t you see that fact?  Didn’t you understand the nature of God’s most superlative attribute... His Holiness?

“I’m sorry, I can’t accept your coy disdain and attempt at feigning some level of ignorance about God’s Holiness.  You knew about His attributes, His character and you knew that ‘everything’ emanates from his Holiness.  Knowing what you knew... you still decided to go your own way.

I think we need to take a break.  When we return I want you to be prepared to explain, if you can, how you a created being, thought you could replace the one and only Almighty God as the supreme being of the universe.

What were you thinking?  Did you think God would accept your rebellion as defeat and retreat to some far distance corner of the universe and cower?  Be prepared to tell me what you thought when you first heard about His plan to fix the mess you instigated.

“SO NEXT WEEK...  We’ll restart this interview, with you explaining your impressions of Genesis 3:15.  Of course, you can expect many, many more probing questions before we’re done!”

Seeking and Sowing… Anywhere, Everywhere

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