Thursday, December 11, 2014

Teen Christians... DO THE RIGHT THING - Part 3

GOD FIRST, LAST and ALL the Time

Sometimes it's impossible to fit God in where we are, even when we think we can! The Bible says, "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:6, NKJV). It's a big mistake to carelessly wander off down any path we take a fancy to. Can we acknowledge Him on every path we choose? It is extremely important that we allow God to lead us. "He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake" (Psalm 23:3, NKJV). In other words, God is revealed in us when we live the right way and do the right thing. 

Does our behavior let others know we have a serious relationship with Him? "...whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1st Corinthians 10:31); "... do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him" (Colossians 3:17).

Sometimes God has no place in the things we do. Many teenage Christians would feel very uncomfortable trying to acknowledge God in all their ways. Ungodly peer pressure regularly influences careless young believers. Can Christians acknowledge God and keep Him in the centre of their experience when they go to see a movie containing bad language, extreme violence and sex? Are Christians really on the right path when they listen to music that makes a big issue out of godless, sensual things? What do unbelievers think of us and God when we disregard and ignore His standards? 

We are more likely to fall when we would rather please ourselves. We cannot acknowledge God when we light up a cigarette, watch godless scenarios unfolding on TV, date people who aren't Christians, get distracted by money and position, hobbies and possessions... The list is endless. Is God pleased with our behavior? Would He go where we go, watch what we watch, listen to and enjoy what we listen to and enjoy? Are we doing all things to the glory of God? Are we really trying to please Him? These are tough questions. And we are all called to examine ourselves.

But wait! You don't need to give up, no matter how hard it seems. 

Let's take it one step further. Life's not just about doing the right thing and choosing the right path. Life is really about a Person. The Bible says, "To live is Christ" (Philippians 1:21). Sounds extreme. But it's normal. 
Churchy Christians can get a bit too religious! Call it formalism or environmental restrictions! But it's an easy mistake to make if you're not careful. They have all the bits and pieces of Christianity carefully labelled and filed neatly into relevant drawers. But instead of knowing Him, their heads are stuffed with knowledge about Him. We must move up higher. "Many Christians are more interested in the principles of God than in the person of God. They give to God, receive from God and work on His behalf, but they never enter into an intimate relationship with Him."

Knowing about God is vital, but we can't stop there. He's real, no matter what your feelings may try to tell you. More than anything else, desire to get to know Christ more and more. He will respond. Tell Him you want Him with you every step of the way along every path of your life. Take time to raise your voice in prayer and praise. Worship Him! He is great and worthy to be praised!  Honor Him with by living your life in harmony with His commands!

Do the best you can to live the right way, but always make sure you are hungry for more of God Himself. Knowledge will not satisfy you. You will run out of steam and end up with a meaningless religious routine. There is no victorious power in head knowledge alone.  Let what you know, what you learn… move in your heart.

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