Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Teen Christians... DO THE RIGHT THING - Part 2

Listen up, God wants you to learn to love and respect yourself.  He wants you to look after your body as well as your mind. What about healthy eating?  That too, He wants you to eat the right things. 

The challenge of living right, doing the right thing touches each of us many times throughout the day as we’re prompted to nourish our bodies with food. Think about how much junk food you eat and what it might be doing to your body. Maybe you should cut down on french fries, burgers, soda and sweets. Don't just go by what tastes good. Try to eat a healthy diet... heavy on the fruits and vegetables. 

Are you looking after your teeth? Should you be getting more exercise? Are you spending too much time in front of a computer screen? Guilty!  Sometimes it seems that these things don't matter, but those who fall into bad habits during their teenage years often suffer from poor health, both physically and mentally, in later life. Time goes by very quickly. Your body will respond to what you eat and your mind will respond to what you put into it as well – make both inputs healthy.

Make the most of your time for God. A sinful world needs visible, noticeable Christians who are really trying to follow Jesus.  Wrong choices and wrong behavior will not set you apart as noticeable to those around you.   A selfish lifestyle will leave you unfulfilled in adulthood. 

Have absolutely nothing to do with the devil and the occult. Resist him and everything he does. Don't listen to any of his enticing lies. Hate everything bad. Cling to God and to whatever is good. That way the devil will have a very hard time getting the better of you. 

Learn to control your anger. It only causes trouble and conflict. Don't try to get even with people who hurt your feelings. Don't be rude with people and don't use bad language. (Count to ten and think before you speak!) Try not to tell lies, even so-called white ones, and don't exaggerate situations or reality. Don't bend the facts or try to distort the truth to gain an advantage over others. 

Behave properly when people get on your nerves. Speak the plain truth in love and try your very best to live in peace with everyone. Don't run people down behind their backs or say you hate them. Hate is a terrible emotion. You don't mean it and in most cases you probably have little reason for thinking or saying such a thing. You wouldn't like it if someone said they hated you. Do to others what you would like them to do to you. 

Take time to help and comfort those who are going through hard times. We need one another. When we are suffering it's nice to know that someone cares - even if it's just minor aches and pains. It helps to have people around you who can offer love and comfort. Words are cheap and ring hollow without appropriate actions to back them up. Show friends you really do care by offering practical help when they need it most.

Don't be selfish and greedy. Don't worry about money. The part of your nature that prefers to do without God can easily get carried away with the pursuit of money. It's easy to spot those who can't control their income - they try to fill their lives with lots of things they don't really need. Less important things become bigger and better. Money tempts us and trips us up. It can push God into the last row of your life. We can end up spending too much on things we like instead of things we really need. Some Christians let the pursuit of money become their god, being led astray by harmful desires which end in many troubles and emptiness.

The world would try to convince us that it's a good idea to work longer hours to get plenty of money. God says that's not smart! "Do not overwork to be rich" (Proverbs 23:4). Use your head. See how quickly money races away from you and disappears! It will never bring contentment into your life, no matter how rich you become.

Make sure you always take time to share your life with God through prayer. Prayer is very important - and sometimes very difficult! If we were honest we would have to admit that there are times when it's easier not to bother with prayer. But despite all the problems, get into the habit of talking to God, even when you feel less than worthy. He tells us in the Bible that He is our Helper and Friend. He really listens and the act of sincere prayer brings genuine relief and comfort from life’s stresses. 

Do your best to regularly attend church. For a good number of teenagers, going to church is as boring as watching paint dry on a wall. To a certain extent this is understandable. Some adults even have problems of boredom with church meetings.  However, if you make an effort to think about the choruses you sing and the messages you hear, you might just get a bit more out of it. It seems that some church services are a little behind the times and out of touch, making it difficult for younger people to relate.

Be sure to regularly read and understand God's Word, because it will strengthen you and help you to do the right thing. This is very important to your grounding as a Christian teen and a very important cornerstone for your adult life choices.  Try to read the Bible slow and steady and you will discover that reading God’s Word can be refreshing and comforting. 

Don’t ever give up.  Too many young people give up too soon. They say they can't keep up the high standards put forth by the Church and their parents. They may even feel like they are missing out on the all the fun the world has to offer. Don’t become down-hearted, it takes time to get a firm hold on God's will for your life. Most Christians learn the hard way. Each day is part of a process that can occasionally be painful. Don't give up on God. He will help you in ways you don't understand. Trust Him through the hard times. That's the essence of faith, and you must always walk by faith.

Look around for mature, experienced Christians who appreciate what teenagers go through. They won't be religious with you. They will tell you about their failures and doubts. They will show you how God brought them through the difficult teen years empowered to live in harmonious balance with Him. They will be only too willing to encourage you and offer you direction. Don't be afraid to cry out for help. It's not a sign of weakness. It's sensible.  It’s real courage and strength. Never give up. Never!

More encouragement for teens coming next time in Part 3.

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