Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Thoughts on a Fractured Society & Culture

A world view is a set of presuppositions and beliefs that someone uses to interpret and form opinions about his humanity, purpose in life, duties in the world, responsibilities to family, interpretation of truth, social issues, and so on.  A Christian should view all these things, and more, guided by the light that is provided by the Bible.
The Bible has much to say about the nature of man, the world, purpose, truth, morality, etc., and so does the world. More often than not, the secular world view is in conflict with the biblical world view.  For example: Where the world asserts that man evolved, the Bible says he was created and ultimately responsible to God.  Where the world says that morals are relative, the Bible says they are absolute.  Where the world says that there is no need of salvation and redemption, the Bible clearly states that all people are in need of deliverance from their sin.  The contrast is obvious and profound.  Both cannot be true.
The secular world exalts man to the apex of evolutionary development, the sovereign over all he dominates, though only another animal.  God is relegated to the belief systems of the uneducated and superstitious.  Such opposing views will clash.
The fruit of the secular world view can be seen all around us.  As we observe society, it is evident that not all is well.  Television has degenerated into a bordello of violence, soft-pornography, anti-family sit-coms, commercials that appeal to immediate gratification, and senseless children's cartoons that are full of violence, occultism, and disobedience to parents.  It often portrays religious people as insecure, ignorant, inflexible and bigoted.
The News is extremely biased and when covering areas where religious and secular morals collide, it uniformly presents information with loaded words.  Instead of "pro-life" we hear "anti-abortion rights."  Instead of "conservative" it is "right wing fundamentalist."  Other words are used such as "Bible thumpers," "censorship," "intolerance," "bigoted," and worse.  God fearing people, Christians, are thought to be weak minded, easily duped and confused.
"According to the Center for Media and Public Affairs, the average TV watcher sees 14,000 references to sex and the average child "watches 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence by the end of elementary school."  Not my grandchildren, they see none of it.
Illegitimacy is on the rise . In 1970 babies born out of wedlock were 10% of all births.  By 1991, it was 30%, by 2012, the latest analyzed data, nearly 41%.  Rape is increasing as is violent crime, venereal disease, drug usage, and prison populations.  States are moving towards legalization of certain drugs in pursuit of tax revenue windfalls.  At what cost to the population?
In many American schools the New Age and the Occult are being promoted through subtle programs and “open-minded” textbooks.  Some programs have students being taught that they alone are the ones who should decide if drug use is good or bad.  Many school textbooks teach anti-family values, promote homosexuality, teach moral relativism, encourage sexual conduct, and, of course, promote evolution as a fact. In addition, they condemn the notion of a Christian God even being mentioned. Consider the following examples:
1) "When 10-year old Raymond Raines bowed his head and silently said grace over lunch in a St. Louis public school cafeteria, he was placed in detention for a week and told that he must eat in a room by himself if he continued to pray."

2) "When 30 Texas high school students gathered to pray at the flagpole before school one morning, the principal politely told them not only to leave, but to pray out of sight."

3) "In Illinois, a high school principal sent police to break up a similar prayer group.  Two students were arrested."

Obviously, America (and the world) is in desperate need of the life changing gospel of Jesus.
Is the gospel is progressing in America?  No doubt its being preached and taught by faithful adherents to Christianity.  Depending on the source of statistics, there are more Christians in the world now than ever before.  That is true, since much of the developing world has responded to the gospel.   In the 1700's less than 20% of the American population went to church, it peaked in the last century and has falled to not much more than 37% who say they attend church with some regularity.  Not much change in 300 plus years. 
More people have heard the gospel than ever before, and Bibles are produced en masse and being sent to nations all over the world with unprecedented reception.  The Gospel is preached on Television and Radio. Millions are coming to Christ in third world countries and a new Christian awakening is working its way through Russia and Africa with China becoming the new Christian frontier.  But not much in America, or Europe.
Nevertheless, the Christian community has a great deal of work left to accomplish.  To fully carry out the mandate of winning the world for Christ, Christians must adopt a biblical world view in all aspects of life and present to the world, biblical perspectives on every niche of our existence.  This includes everything: education, medicine, the arts, politics, science, contemporary issues, ethics, and more.
To God be the glory, and tell someone how Christ has changed your life!

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