Thursday, February 19, 2015

If we bury our heads in the sand... will radical Islam fade away...?

The Rev. Franklin Graham asked a poignant question following the brutal beheading of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya:  What would public reaction be if roles were reversed? “The militant Islamic terrorist group ISIS has released a video called A MESSAGE SIGNED WITH BLOOD TO THE NATION OF THE CROSS showing the beheadings of the 21 Egyptian Christians who had been kidnapped in Libya,” Franklin wrote. “Can you imagine the outcry if 21 Muslims had been beheaded by Christians? Where is the universal condemnation by Muslim leaders around the world? As we mourn with the families of those 21 martyrs, we’d better take this warning seriously as these acts of terror will only spread throughout Europe and the United States. … The storm is coming.” Barack Obama’s White House statement on the beheadings didn’t even mention that the victims were Christians.

Make no mistake about it... Islam is well on the road to becoming a major spiritual–political influence in the World. It is imperative that we don’t lose sight of the fact that their ultimate goal is to rule the world. It is patient enough, and sufficiently financed, to accomplish its goal, one country at a time. 

Muslim advocates are working fervently to convert America to Islam. Their dream may not be practical or even achievable, but they persevere none-the-less in their quest and are gaining ground every day.  Non-Muslim ‘no-entry’ zones have been multiplying all over Europe, and growing in cities here in the U.S. This should heighten every American’s awareness of the imminent danger we as a nation face. Once established, they are unsafe, and proving deadly for non-Muslims to inhabit or even to walk through the neighborhood.  Impossible you say? 

In the U.S.  Dearborn, Michigan has become a Muslim dominated city. Over 100,000 Muslims, 45% of the city has settled into their
first ‘no-go’ zone in a major metro region. The city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination “against Christians” effectively by the authorities applying Sharia law. Dearborn-Dar-al-Islam, (a place governed by Islamic Sharia law). The new idea of ‘no-go’ and ‘no-entry’ is significant, and shockingly being upheld. They provide weapons and guards and government officials in their own societies. They build what they want on their compounds. They have schools inside these “zones” where their kids are educated in their religion.  Is this the future of America?

Consider this... Muslims were able to conquer most of the known world in the 7th century with their limited and primitive means... mostly intimidation, violence and brutality. Can it happen again?  No one ever expected radical Muslims to fly jets into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon, but it happened.  What will happen to the world, if America becomes embroiled in religious conflict - Christian against Muslim, in its major cities? 

Where is the battlefield?  It’s here in America, in Europe, in the Muslim dominated countries of the Mideast and everywhere Muslim populations live.  While there is a chance of winning on our own soil, there is no chance on theirs because the rules of engagement are so very different. The difference between a professional soldier and a Jihadist comes down to one main issue. The soldier wishes to remain alive, the Jihadist wishes to die for Allah. To beat an enemy whose prime directive is not to remain alive, but to martyr himself for his God, is not something that can be dealt with by just using firepower. 

The question may ultimately be... can any strategy derail the infiltration by radical Islam in western [Christian] countries?

The rules of Islam cast serious doubt on the intentions of fundamentalist Muslims when they insist on residing in a non-Muslim country like America, the UK and many other European countries. Considering the viewpoint accepted by most Muslim theologians... that it’s unacceptable for a Muslim to continue residing among “infidels” unless there is a benefit to Muslims from doing so. Islam is not just a religion, it’s a state to which all Muslims belong regardless of where they live. It is a set of laws, directives laid down from which there is no option of escape. As this series of articles have shown, based on actual verses in the Quran, there can by definition be no such thing as a moderate Muslim. He or she is ORDERED by the Quran to spread Islam around the world, to create one Islamic state. It should make us question their motive, and whether they have an agenda for staying in America.  The purported “no-go zone” in  Dearborn Michigan is an example of what may happen as we continue to bury our heads in the sand in the hopes that this will all just fade away.

TAKE NOTE of this actual exchange between a medical professional in the UK and a so-called moderate Muslim, a male colleague and friend:  “I asked my Muslim friend where his real allegiance lies, with The United Kingdom which is the country of his birth or with Islam and what he would do if called to jihad... would he kill me if I stood in the way of his beliefs?”

The Answer:  “Islam is not dependent on what my passport says. I live for the day when the one true God is recognized across the world, this is the hope and prayer of all Muslims. I cannot imagine myself killing people in the name of Islam, but if that is my destiny then so be it, I cannot change what has been ordained for me. You have to understand that Islam will not stop. Islam is a way of life not just a religion. It is a set of directives on how good Muslims should live their lives, even if that means using violence to forward the Islamic State. As I am a good Muslim these directives have a bearing on how I live my life both in the present and in the future. When the time comes I will do what I have to do, what I am meant to do. I would hope that we would not meet during that period of time. I assume this conversation will change our friendship, and I understand that. We had some good laughs but I doubt we will again. I am surprised that we have not had this conversation before, but now we have so there is no going back.”

The Aftermath... “He left the hospital after this conversation witnessed and heard by many co-workers. If I am honest, he would have probably needed medical help if he had stayed… lots of people were very upset. I was stunned he would sit in a staff lunch room and come out with this, but he did, without hesitation. Someone I had known for years, I was totally stunned.”

The war with Islam is raging.

Seeking and Sowing… Anywhere, Everywhere

  Maybe you know a missionary couple who have toiled for decades in a far away country and ended up with precious little to show for their l...