Monday, August 25, 2014

What does it mean... to be Holy?

When we think of someone being "holy" we usually think in terms of a monk in a cloister, with a shaved head, beanie cap, long brown ropes with a suffering look on his face.  Needless to say, being holy is greatly misunderstood.

Often, because Christians want to please the Lord and live a godly life they are accused of having a "holier than thou" attitude toward others. The world misunderstands a Christian who is trying to live right and condemns him by saying he thinks he is better than other people.
Another extreme is the idea that a person who is holy walks around all day, smiling, making religious statements, maybe chanting and humming and acting totally unlike normal people.
Well, we surely ought to live clean and godly lives. but a Christian knows he is no better than any one else. The bumper sticker we often see says it well: "Christians are not perfect, they are just forgiven."

Some churches have seriously misunderstand what the Lord meant when he told Christians not to be like the world. (Rom. 12:2) Further confusion comes from the kind of attire some denominations may require members to wear to church. Wearing dark clothes, such as black, or a particular style of dress, putting on a somber and pious look does not make one holy.

Biblical holiness is best described as being “set apart” to God... separated from the worldly apparatus of sin.  Holiness is best embodied as a condition of the heart, one of devotion to God which controls a believer's life and directs him to "abstain from even the appearance of evil." (1 Thess. 5:22) 

Simply said, being holy means we as Christians are dedicated to and set apart for service to the Lord.  Its not a matter of external objects, wardrobing or facial expressions, its an attitude of the heart, an internal commitment to separate oneself from the world and travel a different path... one defined and directed by God’s Word.

When God says, "Be holy as I am Holy." (1 Peter 3:16) He is not expecting us to be something we cannot be.  God is the only truly Holy one because He is totally separated from sin.  In Leviticus 11:44 it says to “sanctify” ourselves. Sanctify means to make clean and pure. It’s an act of one's will. A truly holy person in his heart separates from the world’s philosophies and adheres to God and His wisdom.  We makes choices that avoid sin, removing ourselves from the things that tempt us, thus living as pure and clean life as possible in a sin–filled world.  Christians live in the world, yet we are to keep ourselves separated from the sin of the world, consecrated to God. 

At our baptism (Acts 2:38) in accordance with God’s plan for our salvation, we are deemed as holy in the eyes of God, when we make that commitment of separation.  Rising to a “newness of life” is a turning away from the past [sin] to a new direction, towards God’s ways.  At the time of immersion, God begins to indwell a “newborn Christian”  in the person of the helper... The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit assists and encourages us on our new journey of overcoming the sinful life and living in obedience to Him.

Once you become a Christian, you must also recognize that “living a holy life” means total dedication to God; seeking after righteousness, giving our heart and soul—our very being—to God and Jesus Christ, following the “way” that God has laid out for us. 

Holy means allowing God to guide and direct our paths assisted by the Holy Spirit. There is nothing we can do to make ourselves holy, but through the power of God’s Holy Spirit working in us, we can overcome the influences of sin and begin to walk in the holy ways of God with Jesus’ guiding, instead of the flawed ideas and philosophies of the world.  Holiness is not a “label” attached to Christians, its a consistent way of living in harmony with the counsel and instruction of God’s Word.  Being holy, set apart to God, traveling through life on His path should become as much a part of who you are as the skin you live in.

God’s holy people today, defined as all-in, fully and unconditionally committed believers,  are expected to be like light for a dark world and examples of what can be achieved by uniting in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Christians are to be a reflection of God the Father and Jesus Christ... Savior, Redeemer, Mediator and King.  

Being holy, being know by God as one who lives a life dedicated to Him, set apart for His service is an absolute necessity for eternal life in God’s Kingdom.   

Be holy, as I am Holy....  YOU can do it!

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