Tuesday, December 3, 2013

ONE for All... All for ONE

...yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. 1 Corinthians 8:6

The  purpose of missions originates and culminates with God. Reflect for a moment on the simplicity of what our Creator God has been doing since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.  His mission has always been to restore fellowship with man and make him a partner in world redemption.  In the beginning, Man took the wrong side in the cosmic conflict between God and Satan. In siding with Satan, Man delayed God’s plan to have His Will done on earth as it is in heaven.  But God refuses to be thwarted by man’s sin and the cosmic conflict with Satan. 

His mission was defined and declared in Genesis 3:15 and it reached the “end of the beginning” in fulfillment of a prophecy that ultimately ushers in the “beginning of the end.” God sent Jesus as his obedient Son-Servant-Priest to redeem man and to form a Holy Kingdom of loyal and obedient followers who would demonstrate and proclaim the good news of His Kingdom.  Jesus fulfilled all the intent of God by becoming the disciplined Son in the incarnation, the Suffering Servant and Priest to all nations by the crucifixion, and the King of heaven and earth in and by the resurrection, wherein what was once unavoidable death was forevermore defeated.  He chose twelve disciples to be the seed of his new covenant people, launched on Pentecost and the mission was born... to proclaim the gospel... the Christ... to seek and save the lost.

God knew imperfect, sinful people would be seriously challenged to accomplish His mission.  So God the Father and the Son Jesus, sent the Holy Spirit to empower, inspire, and guide those who would accept Jesus as their personal savior in the proclamation of the good news of the kingdom to every person on earth.   God has never once left His faithful people without divine help in accomplishing His purposes.  Since the founding of the Church at Pentecost, we have the power of God in the person of the Holy Spirit to guide and equip us in accomplishing His mission.

Therefore, the body of Christ begins to grow and God accomplishes his mission by multiplying disciples by the power of the Holy Spirit, drawing His own from all peoples and nations.  God provides equippers to prepare the people of God for the work of ministry.  God calls all his disciples - that is in fact every single person who calls themselves by His name, “Christian”, to the ministry of living holy lives and proclaiming the gospel.  He bestows on them spiritual gifts to enable them to serve in the world and grow and extend the Kingdom of God, anywhere and everywhere.

A local church's heart for the lost in its community directly relates to its perceived burden for a lost world. A congregation of believers that commits to supporting missionaries and praying for the lost around the world will have an increased vision and sense of urgency for reaching its immediate community and surroundings.  

If the “heart” for God’s mission exists in a body of believers, then the “power” to do the job will be there. Jesus said, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8).  Some have mistakenly interpreted Acts 1:8 to imply that we must first reach [completely] our Jerusalem, then our Judea, then our Samaria and then the remotest parts of the earth. That is not the intent of our Lord. Jesus did not say, "First....then" but "both [all]...and NOW." Our commitment to reaching the lost must be local, regional and far-reaching and accomplished simultaneously.  

While we cannot see the specifics of how God intercedes in the affairs of men and nations to establish his Kingdom, He is actively doing just that by the Holy Spirit in direct proportion to the intercessory prayers of his people committed to fulfilling His mission.  

One for All... All for One –– The One True God is with all faithful committed followers... to enable and equip us to fulfill His mission.  All believers are working diligently in His one single focused mission to preach and teach the gospel, seeking and searching for people... wherever we find them.  

Find your place in God’s great mission and use your gifts to declare the Kingdom to all the souls who have yet to experience the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism... Ephesians 4:4-5

Seeking and Sowing… Anywhere, Everywhere

  Maybe you know a missionary couple who have toiled for decades in a far away country and ended up with precious little to show for their l...