Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Focus on Jesus, our Redeemer

A person whose heart is set on God will understand that God’s own heart was intently set on theirs.   You cannot miss this fact.   John 3:16 says... For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.   Romans 5:8 says... But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

1 John 4:19 says it best, “We love because He first loved us”. What we are considering in these passages is the “completeness” of the human heart in relationship to God.  In other words, our hearts will not be compelled to love God until we have experienced the deep riches of His own love for us. 

The greatest and clearest demonstration of His love was the unconditional love of Christ at Calvary, dying in our place, and giving us redemption and reconciliation to the God of the universe, whose fellowship we were created to enjoy both now and forevermore. Until we realize the infinite significance of what God stated and accomplished on that day, our hearts will not be set on Him, and thus, we will not be effective ambassadors of Christ.  

Calling ourselves Christians means very little if we can’t move past the narrative words of Scripture, past the abstract view of something incomprehensible, to a deep merging of our soul with the essence (His love) of God.  It’s a hard thing to do.  The detached nature of the human mind that so easily compartmentalizes the concepts we can’t control or understand, must be broken apart if we are to truly relate to the love of God.   

In fact, it is only logical that in order to be effective ambassadors of Christ, we must be passionate about the gospel that we are charged with conveying to humanity (Matthew 28:19-20).  Consider this analogy... what good is a salesperson who is indifferent about the products he is striving to sell?  Everyone he pitches can see through his insincerity, the cheapness of heart as he attempts to convince you of something he himself is not fully convinced of. So, if the gospel really is good news, should not our lives be evidence of a passionate commitment to that good news?  Would we not be living and acting accordingly?

Its time Christians to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror of your life.  Who are you?  Really, who do you look like?  Are you an amalgamation of the influences of the world around you or are you a pristine and love filled  reflection of Jesus who redeemed you?  

God wants us to do many things for His Kingdom, the Church.  But only if we are truly focused on him and know and understand the power of his love. That means our hearts must be set on our Redeemer; it means our hearts must burn with love for God;  it means every decision, choice and action of our lives must be tempered by the incredible depths of love God has shown to us.

If you have this kind of passion for God, it shows to the world, to your family and friends.  It will shine through you like the light of day.  Your love for people, like God’s, will gush out of your will and personality.  You will be consumed and compelled to leverage your skills to serve others.  Your passion to preach and teach the gospel will be driven by a robust understanding of what it really means to be an ambassador for Christ Jesus.  

At the very root of who you can be in Christ, is heartfelt gratefulness for the grace of God received in Christ when you were at your worst.  Realizing the gospel’s message, is more than just words, you feel the depths of sin you were saved from, and the greatness of the life you were saved to.  This realization triggers a catalytic reaction that transforms the very nature of your heart into a new creation, with new desires, affections, perspectives, and delights. “For the old has gone, and the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17.

When our hearts burn for God, we will be organically set on mission like the early apostles, saying proudly about the gospel, “for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard”, “for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Acts 4:20; Romans 1:16).    Indeed, a heart set on God is one that naturally positions itself for outward impact.

To bring it full circle... The gospel will not reach the four corners of this world until it reaches the four corners of our own hearts. And until the gospel reaches the four corners of our hearts—the degree that our hearts are greatly set on Him—will it be fully advanced in our world. 

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