Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness... IS the pursuit of God.

All of us have a deep seated longing to experience a state of happiness, peace and serenity in our lives – whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

When fulfilled, this deep emotional need allows us to experience simple pleasures without the “wants” for material possessions or financial gains. We call it happiness. We pursue happiness passionately throughout our lives. What do you think of when you think about happiness? What makes you happy?

Happiness is the situation of well-being or feeling of general prosperity of an individual. It encompasses the circumstances of life and the sum of our relationships. You could characterize happiness as our summary response to the totality of our life experience. Happiness can run the gamut from tranquillity to intense ecstasy. The term often used in Scripture to describe happiness is "blessedness." Blessedness relates happiness to God and His Plan of grace.

People have some very interesting views of what makes them happy. Here are a few actual responses from people who responded to an online survey wherein they were asked to define the meaning of Happiness....

I define happiness as ... having more than enough in each area of life--more than enough faith, more than enough relationships, more than enough physical, emotional and mental resources.

I define happiness as ... being at peace with oneself and the world. It happens when your mind (intent), body (action)and spirit(conscience) vibrate in unison. A rare occurrence when you leave it to chance but can happen all the time if you consciously seek it.

Happiness to me... is seeing the smiles on my children's faces and knowing that I am the one who put them there.

I define happiness as ... having the courage and responsibility to be a role model for my daughter to create her own destiny and not rely upon anyone for her happiness. Everyone is worthy of such a gift.

I define happiness as ... sitting quietly on my front porch, watching a rainstorm dance by, observing all of nature joyously celebrating it's abundance.

I define happiness as ... that sense of warmth that begins at the core of the soul, spreads to the heart, and radiates outward from the eyes and lips of those who know it. The gift of happiness is elusive, but tangible. You cannot seek to find that which makes you happy for happiness comes from within and by your own choice.

I define happiness as ... Our glow from within... Shinning out toward luminous beauty that sings... Joy of the Lord!!!

The word and thought of “happiness” invokes many varied emotional expressions in people. One can clearly see how happiness is connected to one’s life circumstances and expectations. We also know that happiness is elusive for many of us. Life comes at us fast... with a bunch of stuff that can really dampen our pursuit of “happiness”.

To fully comprehend the concept of happiness in our lives, we must understand the happiness of God. God's happiness is unique in the sense that God's happiness is absolute, perfect and unlimited. And as God is eternal, so is His happiness. God's happiness never ends and has never been diminished in the least by circumstances and cannot be changed. Even the sin of mankind has not diminished the happiness of our God.

God determined in the beginning to share His happiness with mankind and even though sin entered the world, He provided a way for true happiness through His provision of something we know as grace. God's instrument of grace is the Lord Jesus Christ... thus the foundation for true happiness begins at the point of belief in Christ.

Belief is the beginning point of happiness. The more a believer knows about God and Christ, the greater the believer's capacity for happiness becomes. It is through spiritual growth that a believer's happiness becomes like the happiness of God... without limit, without dependence on circumstances, or events, or people, or any external influence. As John 13:17 declares that once spiritual maturity is attained, the believer shares God's perfect happiness, "Now that you know these things (God's Word), you will be blessed (intense happiness) if you do them."

God is all about sharing. One of His prime expectations for us is to share Him with others. Sharing God's perfect happiness should be, must be, the prime directive of every believer. Accordingly, Paul in Philippians 4:4 boldly says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" And 1 Peter 1:8 says... "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy."

Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and the power of the Cross with others, with passion, is the key to our personal happiness. Nothing else in this life... nothing... can produce the internal feelings of genuine happiness like knowing we are speaking out for God and His purpose to humanity.

Once the believer shares the perfect happiness of God, the believer's happiness cannot be diminished by circumstances, things, or people. The often persecuted, harassed and imprisoned Paul admonished true believers in Philippians 4:11,12... "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

Nothing could change Paul’s happiness, contentment and joy, because everything about his life was grounded and anchored in a deep love of God and His purpose. When Paul felt oppressed... he preached the Word boldly. He passionately proclaimed Christ throughout his life to the point of death... all the while experiencing true happiness and contentment in spite of the austere circumstances he experienced.

Ultimately, the truly happy person, the believer who shares the perfect happiness of God, radiates happiness. It is infectious to all around such a person. Such a person is a “ministry of refreshment” to believers and unbelievers. In Philemon 7, the Paul spoke of such an extraordinary man, Philemon himself.... "For I have come to have much happiness and encouragement by your love (for Christ) because the tender affections of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother."

Finding happiness today is very hard to do... if you are depending on the things of this world to make you happy. You only have one course of action to find true happiness in this imperfect world... Love God. Love His purpose. Love humanity. Everything else will be added to you... if you do that.

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