Tuesday, May 25, 2010

God... Narrow Minded?

What do think when you hear someone referred to as narrow-minded? Several commonly used dictionaries say it is someone lacking tolerance, flexibility or breadth of view, having narrow opinions; Someone who has intensely biased or conservative viewpoints; bigoted or prejudiced; having restricted or rigid views and being unreceptive to new ideas. Generally, most people want to avoid being around narrow-minded people. The last thing you want to do, is deal with a narrow-minded boss or anyone in authority.

I find it interesting, I know a lot of people who are thought to be narrow-minded. These people are criticized and vilified for their narrow-minded views on things they think are very important. In fact, I would be one of these narrow-minded people. You know them as your friendly, but religiously narrow-minded, biased bigots.... or Christians.

Christians are frequently called narrow-minded. Along with narrow-minded, critics will call us arrogant and self-absorbed because of our doctrines and beliefs. Does the label fit? Actually, it begs a much larger question... is God, the “founder and leader” of Christianity, the God Christians follow... narrow-minded?

There are thousands of denominations of Christianity and hundreds of “other” religions world-wide, so it’s understandable why people view Christian doctrine as arrogant and narrow-minded. Why? Simple... the Bible, the foundational guide-book of Christianity says Jesus Christ is the Only Way to a relationship with God and salvation. In fact Jesus said it in John 14:6... "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That is a bold, audacious statement... made by God, not by any of His followers! Christians just repeat what God has already said... in the context of the Gospel message they are commanded to proclaim.

Is God so narrow-minded that He provides only one way of redemption... through Jesus? This claim that Jesus Christ is the only way to God causes passionate debates among religious groups, even among so-called Christian denominations that embrace the concept of religious tolerance.

In this age of religious tolerance, anyone who dares to make an exclusive claim on religious truth, is open to challenge and criticism. The prevailing attitude today... as long as you’re preaching love, peace, and harmony, “You believe what you believe and I will believe what I believe, and we will get along just fine.” The sad reality is Christians who are labeled as “arrogant” or “narrow-minded” are only preaching the gospel message of Jesus Christ out of love and concern for others. Followers of Christ are commanded to preach and teach HIS message. Christians don’t take the issue lightly. We are talking about the eternal destination of souls...your standing and relationship with God. This isn’t a new dilemma. The Apostle Paul in writing to the Corinthians said this... For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18) Isn’t that reason enough to listen and see if what you are hearing or think you are hearing, is any cause for viewing God and His followers as narrow-minded?

Aren’t All Religions the Same? Religious beliefs and practices differ from culture to culture, but does the “how” matter if they all are working towards the same goal? The philosophy that all religions are the same is widely held by many people. People base this idea on the thinking that there are different religious roads, varying in route and style, but all leading to the same place... God. The outward view of different religions may differ - prayer, worship, church ordinances, etc. – but don’t they all preach love, peace, and compassion towards fellow human beings – ultimately ending up in the same place (heaven)? The idea that most religions encourage love and kindness may be true, but with clear thinking can we say they are all the same because they are working towards the same goal? If all religions are the same, then not one of them can claim exclusivity of truth.

Can we rationally say that all religions are equally valid? Many people believe that all religions are the same based on assumptions and generalizations without any knowledge of what different religions believe or deny. How can Buddhism be true when it denies the existence of a personal God and at the same time Christianity be true when it affirms the existence of a personal God? Can there be a personal God and not be a personal God at the same time? Orthodox Judaism denies life after death and Christianity affirms life after death. The person who believes that all religions are the same does so by ignoring clear contradictions between them. This way of thinking is irrational.

Clear away your prejudices about Christianity and think rationally about all religions. You will discover that all religions are not the same because there are clear differences and contradictions between them. But what about the issue that Jesus is the only way to God? Does God only provide one way of redemption for mankind? Not only did Jesus say that He was the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), but He also says in Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Do you believe in the man Jesus? Do you accept the historical facts of His existence? If you do, then you are immediately faced with a monumental contradiction. People can believe that there are many roads that lead to God, but Jesus tells us there is only one, and it’s through Him (Acts 4:10-12).

Is God narrow-minded, or is He just requiring that what belongs to Him be obedient to Him? The accusation is a serious one against a holy, just and righteous God - that He has not done enough to provide redemption for mankind. After creating the heavens and earth, God created man in His own image (Genesis 1:27). God blessed Adam and Eve and provided for their every need by placing them in the Garden of Eden. The Lord made trees grow and “commanded the man, You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die” (Genesis 2:16-17). Was that command unreasonable, considering the eternal rewards that lay before them? I don’t think so.

You know the story... Adam and Eve disobeyed their Creator’s command and ate from the tree that He told them not to eat from. He created them and He had every right to enforce the death penalty because they disobeyed the one restriction He gave them. Because He is a merciful God, He did not kill them, but spared their lives. It was at this point that the Bible tells us that “sin entered the world” (Romans 5:12). Does the outcome of this unfortunate course of events sound like a manipulative narrow-minded God? I don’t think so.

No matter what you believe, or how you worship, we are all sinners in the eyes of a holy, just and righteous God (Romans 3:23). We are burdened by sin we cannot resolve in and of ourselves. Sin is a two-edged sword... doing what God has told us not to do or not doing what God has commanded us to do. Sin is not limited to our actions but it includes what we think and say (Matthew 5:21-48). When you rationally sort through the reality of humanity’s situation and the human response to various religious systems of belief, you soon realize there is only one way to fix the problem that burdens you.

God’s holiness demands a penalty for man’s sin, “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Death resulting from sin separates man from God, while here on earth, and eternally. You may not like the way that sounds. It might strike you as harsh, narrow-minded, even cruel. It shouldn’t.

The Living God who is accused of being narrow-minded, in a universal act of redemption, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem the world. Jesus paid the penalty of our sin by dying on the cross in our place. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

That single act of redemption is available to anyone, everyone... all humanity. That is not an act of a narrow-minded God! It is a free gift from a God who loves His creation.

God demands one thing from us in order to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We must repent of our sins and put our trust in Jesus Christ alone as the only hope of eternal life. We must show that commitment by following what the Bible commanded... being baptized wherein our sins are forgiven and God begins to walk with us as the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

After considering what God has done for us, and in light of our sin, having “committed treason against God”, can we honestly say that God is narrow-minded?

God... in His grace and love is not narrow-minded. He has given you and I “a way through Jesus” to be at peace with Him. Maybe what we should be seriously considering... is not why is there only one way, but why is there any way at all?

Monday, May 17, 2010

What’s an honest hearted believer to do in the jungle of Denominationalism?


THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND so-called Christian denominations! How can anyone possibly hope to find truth? Reminds me of that old saying.... like looking for a needle in a haystack. What is a believer to do? Should we ignore denominations altogether? Should we just not go to church and worship on our own at home? The answer to both questions is no.

What we must be seeking is a body of believers where TRUTH, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached, where you as an individual are encouraged to develop a personal relationship with the Lord, where you can join in Biblical ministries that are spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth and glorifying God. Sounds really appealing doesn’t it, but its clearly not so easy to find in the “jungle” of denominational confusion.

Church, which is the body of Christ in brotherhood, fellowship and action... is important to our salvation, spiritual growth and health. All believers need to belong to a body that fits the Biblical description of a God-blessed assembly of believers. We need relationships that can only be found in the body of believers, we need the support that only the church can provide, and we need to serve God in community as well as individually.

So how do you find such a body of believers? Please understand, you might have to cross many thresholds of many churches before you find the one where the “heralding of truth” reverberates in the hearts and minds of its members. Pray for God to lead you to a body of believers who are worshipping Him in “spirit and truth”. He will hear that desire of your heart expressed in earnest prayer to Him, and He will guide you to a doorway where Biblical truth reigns supreme.

You must pick a church on the basis of its relationship to Christ and his teachings. It will not take you long to discover how the body responds in serving the community... is it an inward or outward focused church? You want to be in an outward focused body. Christian mission is outward, serving the community, widows and orphans – those in need and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pick a church where the preacher is preaching the Gospel, preaching from the Word of God – the Bible without fear and is encouraged by the congregation to do so. Don’t be deceived into thinking that social gospel or civic action or national political agendas preached from the pulpit are God-blessed... they are not. True Biblical preaching comes only from the Word of God. Hearing the truth from Scripture with ways to apply God’s teachings to your life, including helping those in need, is what worshipping Him in “spirit and truth” is all about.

Christ and His church is all about your relationship to Him and to each other. As believers, there are certain basic doctrines that we must believe, the essentials of the faith. Our very salvation depends on an unencumbered belief in “exactly” what the Bible teaches. Beyond what the Bible explicitly teaches, there is reasonable latitude on how we can serve and worship. And that perceived “latitude or freedom” is often perverted to selfish ends.

Do not be deceived by the arguments of denominational proponents who say that the silence of the Bible on certain things is our freedom, our latitude for being diverse, independent, creative and so on an so on. They will say... this is how the Bible implicitly authorizes the great variety of denominations. They will say... denominations are diversity and not disunity. They will say... this allows believers to be individuals in Christ, expressing their unique differences. They will even say... the point of these divisions is never Christ as Lord and Savior, but rather honest differences of opinion by godly, albeit flawed, people seeking to honor God and retain doctrinal purity according to their consciences and their understanding of His Word.

Absolutely none of that argument is valid or can in anyway be defended from Scripture. It sounds good... it’s appealing... but it is NOT of God. It is in fact the argument that has crossed the lips of men who have lead God’s Holy Church into the denominational jungle that exist today. It is an argument that divides and destroys brotherhood and fellowship in Christ. Remember... “GOD is not a God of confusion” and that fact trumps everything man conceives and says!

Christians follow a perfect God with a perfect plan for salvation and redemption, but you won’t find “perfect” in a body of believers today. You can’t, we are all sinners and susceptible to the unholy influences of God’s adversary... Satan.

Satan USES religion, especially Christianity, to confuse the believer and unbeliever into NOT finding truth and into turning away from God & pure worship. He wants us to never follow scriptural principals in our lives. Any denomination that does not follow Christ's example and does not uphold God's Holy Name is false. Jesus had a very dim view of such ones who would claim Him but were never really with Him... “Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” (Matthew 7:23; Luke 13:27)

Their future will not be among those congregations of God’s Church who truthfully and faithfully served the interests of His Kingdom... “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” (Matthew 25:41-46)

The church you attend matters. What you believe matters. The way you are “saved” matters. How you worship matters. How you serve the living God matters. Precision in your understanding of God’s Word matters. Your life “in Christ” matters to God.

The "jungle" is a very scary place... filled with all sorts of things that can hurt you!  So, choose wisely the body of believers you will fellowship and serve the Lord with.  God is aware of “hearts seeking after truth”... earnestly seek Him and He will guide you to the right door... where truth lives.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why are there so many denominations of Christianity?

THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND denominations in Christianity? Why so many? The word denomination is clearly understood when used in reference to various values of currency. It is the name or title that we give to a group or class of units. However, when denomination is used in reference to Christianity, the meaning is not so apparent.

What does the Bible say about denominations? Scripture should be our starting and ending point in understanding this issue. Unfortunately, the Bible says absolutely nothing about denominationalism. The word denomination is not found in the Bible. Jesus Christ never taught that there should be divisions in the church with significant doctrinal differences. The original church was a single congregation of Christ's followers, distinct from the world. "So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch" (Acts 11:26).

Is it God's plan to encompass all believers into one body (the body of Christ–the Church), and then have His plan divided, fragmented and disconnected through denominations and affiliations which have their own particular name, doctrine, form of worship, and distinctive organization? The answer is NO!

Religious division is certainly not a new concept. When the kingdom of Israel split into the northern and southern segments, each chose a different system of worship. Jeroboam and his advisors wanted Bethel to be Israel's chief religious center, intending to compete with Jerusalem (1 Kings 12:25-33). Though Jeroboam was a charismatic leader and organizer who had popular support, Bethel's religion became idolatry leading to Israel's eventual downfall.

Jesus realized that division creates a fertile ground for unbelief. "I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me" (John 17:23). The basis for this unity was the belief that Jesus was sent from the Father. Paul felt it imperative that there be no divisiveness in the church. He consistently urged unity. "Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose" (Philippians 2:2).

So, if God desires unity, why are there so many denominations of Christianity? Tradition in the Bible suggests "the concept of instruction that had been handed down from generation to generation." These instructions were often divinely given, as with many of the prophets. Paul praises the Corinthians for 'holding to' the teachings he passed on to fellow believers in Christ (1 Corinthians 11:2).

Yet tradition can also originate from longstanding human practices that displace, modify and reinterpret the spiritual revelation of the Bible. A denomination might hold fast to a man-made tradition that was handed down over centuries and ratified by its clergy. If the authorities believe that tradition is equal to the Scriptures, then the practice often becomes infallible. Divisions flourish when individuals are unable to differentiate between God's ordinances and man-made practices.

When the church at Corinth was faced with many elements of division, Paul encouraged cooperation among members, both Jew and Gentile (1 Corinthians 12:12). Despite their differences, each believer had one thing in common -- faith in Christ, and trust in the emerging foundations of the New Testament Church born on Pentecost. This truth is where the church found its unity. Paul wanted to reinforce the relationship between the Jew and Gentile in the early church while discouraging competition among the churches belonging to Christ. "May God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 15:5-6).

Why are there so many denominations of Christianity? Some belief groups may have a slightly different emphasis on the Scriptures. Other groups may have adopted the name of their founder (Lutheran for Martin Luther) or a "method" for spiritual growth (Methodists). Baptists emphasize the importance of end times prophesies. All... are very careful not to allow other groups to influence their beliefs and practices. Hence... the rise of denominations fracturing and dividing the body of Christian believers.

Denominations are based on disagreements over the interpretation of Scripture. An example would be the meaning and purpose of baptism. Is baptism a requirement for salvation or is it symbolic of the salvation process? There are denominations on both sides of this issue and each has used that single issue to separate and form denominations based on their interpretations of what the Bible says.

Disagreements over the interpretation of Scripture are taken personally and often become points of bitter contention. These arguments become openly public creating a negative impression of the witness of church. The church should be able to resolves it differences inside the body. However, history shows that doesn’t happen. Today, the media uses denominational differences to demonstrate that the church is not unified in thought or purpose.

Denominations are creations of man, used to promote their own agendas and self-interest. There are denominations today that are in a state of self-destruction as they are being led deeper and deeper into apostasy by those who are promoting their personal agendas. The value of unity is found in the ability to pool our gifts and resources to promote the Kingdom of God to a lost and seeking world. This “God-mandated” plan (Matthew 28:19-20) runs contrary to the divisions caused by denominationalism.

Truth will only be found where there is unity.  As believers, we all must share the same essentials that define Christian faith.  God alone defines the essential foundations of belief that He will bless.   Those essentials have nothing to do with man's ideas, man-made creeds or doctrinal modifications designed to promote personal agendas. 

Genuine Christians are passionate people. Passionate about their faith and relationship with God. In the quest for truth, passion can be a very good character quality... or it can be our worst enemy. Lest we forget... we are still just miserable sinners and easy targets for our adversary the Devil. He works in the “church” as much as we do, only his work is to distort, confuse and create divisions and divisiveness. Satan accomplishes his mischief through human egos and pride. He distorts the “love” that must be the foundation of our faith, brotherhood and fellowship. What better way to keep honest hearted seekers of truth from finding genuine truth, than to create 35,000 so-called Christian denominations and variants all tuned to human interests and personal styles. Sadly, his strategy is working very well.

In 500 years of reformations, restorations and attempts to return the Church to its foundations of truth, we have been consumed by arguments on points of doctrine and faith about which we feel deeply. We have allowed the defense of truth to overwhelm our love for one another. The result is denominations that have lost their ability to even know what is truth because they are too concerned with being right. Warren W. Wiersbe, a noted Bible scholar and preacher once said, “Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.” Such is the legacy of fragmented Christianity today... too many divisions brought on by our infighting and wrangling over what the Bible supposedly teaches.

Ask yourself this question... Do you worship in a church that teaches what the Bible teaches? Do you even know what you are being taught? Your answer to these simple questions has everlasting consequences. How you worship, where you worship, and why you do it the way you do it... is critically important to your eternal salvation. Everything you do in the name of God... must be anchored firmly in His Truth.

Just because there are many doors open on Sunday’s in the name of Christ, does not mean they are all places of truth approved by God. "There is one body and one Spirit . . . one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all" (Ephesians 4:4-6).

NEXT TIME.... What’s an honest hearted believer to do in the vast jungle of Denominationalism?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The One and Only True Religion

WARNING: If you search for “true religion” online, you’ll find a lot of websites about a popular brand of denim jeans! I was surprised... I did not know that True Religion could be found on the back pocket label of denim jeans! I was simply searching for the one true religion. Surely the internet would be a good resource to guide me in searching for the one true religion that God approves. Maybe if I start wearing the jeans, I’ll be more likely to find what I am seeking...? Probably not.

I know there are a lot of religions out there, and they’re all very different. Christianity is tops for diversity of choices. There are approximately 35,000 denominations claiming the “christian” label (denominations, sects, individual unaffiliated churches, para-church groups, etc) in the world. I really don’t even know where to begin to sort through and find which one of these might be the one “true” Christian religion. Maybe I should say... truest, truer, less wrong, more right. Why does something so important to humanity, have to be so complicated and confusing?

How can anyone seeking and searching, hope to find a brotherhood and fellowship worshipping and serving in a way that God approves? If you’re a Christian, it might be logical to conclude that God must surely approve of all 35,000 denominations and variants. Or... none are approved by God. My first instinct is not to trust any of these thousands of groups claiming Christ as their leader.

Humans are to emotional and fickle to easily sort out the resting place of TRUTH. God is truth... finding what He approves of in a church fellowship is no insignificant task. One's personal beliefs and the certainty with which one holds them is an unreliable measure of truth, because they are largely determined by one's culture and the faith of one's parents. You are a Catholic, a Lutheran, a Baptist, largely by birth in to your families religious tradition. How about an opinion poll of the most popular denominations? Surely the most popular must be close to “true” and approved by God? Probably not a good strategy. Popularity only shows what beliefs most appeal to peoples lifestyles and have little to do with truth.

Over the centuries, Christianity has divided into numerous denominations. Each denomination has its own distinctive beliefs and practices, but they are commonly considered branches of the same religion because they claim to agree on such fundamentals as the Bible, the Trinity, and the teachings of the Nicene Creed. Aw... there’s a clue to what might be a guide to sorting out the truer denominations... adherence to a man-made creed. Except, I can’t find that directive anywhere in Scripture, can you?

The way in which one denomination regard other denominations varies from mutual respect and acceptance, to suspicion, contempt and denial that the other group is even "Christian." The four main branches of Christianity are Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and Anglican. Most of the denominations that exist today developed in the last 500 years as a result of the Protestant Reformation.

Doesn’t the Bible teach us that God is not a God of confusion? It would seem so based on these passages... “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints...” (1 Corinthians 14:33) And how about this verse... “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5) and this one... “yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.” (1 Corinthians 8:6)

Based on these passages of Scripture, it would seem God would not approve of the confusion that has been created by the many denominations and variations claiming to represent “TRUTH”... His Truth.

If God is a God of order not confusion, then it seems logical that His desire would be for ALL of His followers to be in harmony and unity with one another. Is it not reasonable then that the “truest Christian religion” in a sin-filled, chaotic, confusing world would have believers holding common beliefs and understanding of the foundational principles of “truth” as found in Scripture?

Although Christianity is not really a religion, (it’s a relationship) we use the word to classify and characterize Christianity as aligned with the God of the Bible... Yahweh, Jehovah. Religious unity must therefore emanate from the teachings of the Bible. In a deeply divided religious world, the Bible is the only possible common denominator upon which truth-seeking God-fearing people can unite. How can a single “book” give birth to 35,000 different varieties of so called truth? I’m confused.

I do know this... what I believe the Bible teaches is not being taught by most of the 35,000 so-called Christian denominations. Of course, they will say the same thing about me and my “interpretations” of what the Bible teaches.

I also know this... God is NOT pleased with the confusion, discord, divisions, divisiveness and distortions of His truth. At no time in human history is the appeal to go back to the plain unvarnished truth as found only in the Bible more critical for the future of humanity. But right now, I am not speaking to all humanity... just people who claim to be followers of Christ. Do you really “know” Him and does He really “claim” you?

When it comes to claiming Christ as the one we follow, calling ourselves Christians, we should tremble in fear of God. We should be terrified of accidently adding anything to His Word... ignoring inconvenient and uncomfortable parts of His Word... marginalizing as “out-of-date” any part of His commandments. True Christianity... speaks where the Bible speaks and remains silent where the Bible is silent. True Christianity adheres, in all matters that pertain to religion... to just the facts... as found in the Bible.

In everything religious – all endeavors, proclamations, decrees and programs, there must be a "Thus saith the Lord" for God to approve of the feeble efforts of man. That declaration ties everything we humans do in religious matters directly to the will of God, to the source book the Bible. The “Church” belongs to God alone... He made it and He leads it by the Holy Spirit. We humans don’t need to do anything to help God clarify what He has already done to position His body of believers in Truth.

In the quest for "true religion" there may be more than one faith group that is sufficiently accurate in their beliefs and practices, aligned with what the Bible teaches, that they could qualify as "true enough” to please God.

I pray that in the great morass of denominational confusion there are groups who’s singular objective is religious unity of all believers who call themselves Christians. Who’s only teachings come from the Bible and who herald a brotherhood and fellowship that harkens back to the days of the beginning... the first century church. A brotherhood grounded in the foundations of the New Testament who are declaring the TRUTH of God’s Word to a hurting and seeking world.

No matter how you slice and dice it... TRUTH can only found in the shadow of the Cross, in the blood of Jesus Christ, His resurrection and His “New” covenant with humanity. That is simply... New Testament Christianity. Anything more or less... cannot be TRUTH.

NEXT POSTING... Why so many Denominations...?

Seeking and Sowing… Anywhere, Everywhere

  Maybe you know a missionary couple who have toiled for decades in a far away country and ended up with precious little to show for their l...