What do think when you hear someone referred to as narrow-minded? Several commonly used dictionaries say it is someone lacking tolerance, flexibility or breadth of view, having narrow opinions; Someone who has intensely biased or conservative viewpoints; bigoted or prejudiced; having restricted or rigid views and being unreceptive to new ideas. Generally, most people want to avoid being around narrow-minded people. The last thing you want to do, is deal with a narrow-minded boss or anyone in authority.
I find it interesting, I know a lot of people who are thought to be narrow-minded. These people are criticized and vilified for their narrow-minded views on things they think are very important. In fact, I would be one of these narrow-minded people. You know them as your friendly, but religiously narrow-minded, biased bigots.... or Christians.
Christians are frequently called narrow-minded. Along with narrow-minded, critics will call us arrogant and self-absorbed because of our doctrines and beliefs. Does the label fit? Actually, it begs a much larger question... is God, the “founder and leader” of Christianity, the God Christians follow... narrow-minded?
There are thousands of denominations of Christianity and hundreds of “other” religions world-wide, so it’s understandable why people view Christian doctrine as arrogant and narrow-minded. Why? Simple... the Bible, the foundational guide-book of Christianity says Jesus Christ is the Only Way to a relationship with God and salvation. In fact Jesus said it in John 14:6... "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That is a bold, audacious statement... made by God, not by any of His followers! Christians just repeat what God has already said... in the context of the Gospel message they are commanded to proclaim.
Is God so narrow-minded that He provides only one way of redemption... through Jesus? This claim that Jesus Christ is the only way to God causes passionate debates among religious groups, even among so-called Christian denominations that embrace the concept of religious tolerance.
In this age of religious tolerance, anyone who dares to make an exclusive claim on religious truth, is open to challenge and criticism. The prevailing attitude today... as long as you’re preaching love, peace, and harmony, “You believe what you believe and I will believe what I believe, and we will get along just fine.” The sad reality is Christians who are labeled as “arrogant” or “narrow-minded” are only preaching the gospel message of Jesus Christ out of love and concern for others. Followers of Christ are commanded to preach and teach HIS message. Christians don’t take the issue lightly. We are talking about the eternal destination of souls...your standing and relationship with God. This isn’t a new dilemma. The Apostle Paul in writing to the Corinthians said this... For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18) Isn’t that reason enough to listen and see if what you are hearing or think you are hearing, is any cause for viewing God and His followers as narrow-minded?
Aren’t All Religions the Same? Religious beliefs and practices differ from culture to culture, but does the “how” matter if they all are working towards the same goal? The philosophy that all religions are the same is widely held by many people. People base this idea on the thinking that there are different religious roads, varying in route and style, but all leading to the same place... God. The outward view of different religions may differ - prayer, worship, church ordinances, etc. – but don’t they all preach love, peace, and compassion towards fellow human beings – ultimately ending up in the same place (heaven)? The idea that most religions encourage love and kindness may be true, but with clear thinking can we say they are all the same because they are working towards the same goal? If all religions are the same, then not one of them can claim exclusivity of truth.
Can we rationally say that all religions are equally valid? Many people believe that all religions are the same based on assumptions and generalizations without any knowledge of what different religions believe or deny. How can Buddhism be true when it denies the existence of a personal God and at the same time Christianity be true when it affirms the existence of a personal God? Can there be a personal God and not be a personal God at the same time? Orthodox Judaism denies life after death and Christianity affirms life after death. The person who believes that all religions are the same does so by ignoring clear contradictions between them. This way of thinking is irrational.
Clear away your prejudices about Christianity and think rationally about all religions. You will discover that all religions are not the same because there are clear differences and contradictions between them. But what about the issue that Jesus is the only way to God? Does God only provide one way of redemption for mankind? Not only did Jesus say that He was the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), but He also says in Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Do you believe in the man Jesus? Do you accept the historical facts of His existence? If you do, then you are immediately faced with a monumental contradiction. People can believe that there are many roads that lead to God, but Jesus tells us there is only one, and it’s through Him (Acts 4:10-12).
Is God narrow-minded, or is He just requiring that what belongs to Him be obedient to Him? The accusation is a serious one against a holy, just and righteous God - that He has not done enough to provide redemption for mankind. After creating the heavens and earth, God created man in His own image (Genesis 1:27). God blessed Adam and Eve and provided for their every need by placing them in the Garden of Eden. The Lord made trees grow and “commanded the man, You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die” (Genesis 2:16-17). Was that command unreasonable, considering the eternal rewards that lay before them? I don’t think so.
You know the story... Adam and Eve disobeyed their Creator’s command and ate from the tree that He told them not to eat from. He created them and He had every right to enforce the death penalty because they disobeyed the one restriction He gave them. Because He is a merciful God, He did not kill them, but spared their lives. It was at this point that the Bible tells us that “sin entered the world” (Romans 5:12). Does the outcome of this unfortunate course of events sound like a manipulative narrow-minded God? I don’t think so.
No matter what you believe, or how you worship, we are all sinners in the eyes of a holy, just and righteous God (Romans 3:23). We are burdened by sin we cannot resolve in and of ourselves. Sin is a two-edged sword... doing what God has told us not to do or not doing what God has commanded us to do. Sin is not limited to our actions but it includes what we think and say (Matthew 5:21-48). When you rationally sort through the reality of humanity’s situation and the human response to various religious systems of belief, you soon realize there is only one way to fix the problem that burdens you.
God’s holiness demands a penalty for man’s sin, “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Death resulting from sin separates man from God, while here on earth, and eternally. You may not like the way that sounds. It might strike you as harsh, narrow-minded, even cruel. It shouldn’t.
The Living God who is accused of being narrow-minded, in a universal act of redemption, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem the world. Jesus paid the penalty of our sin by dying on the cross in our place. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
That single act of redemption is available to anyone, everyone... all humanity. That is not an act of a narrow-minded God! It is a free gift from a God who loves His creation.
God demands one thing from us in order to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We must repent of our sins and put our trust in Jesus Christ alone as the only hope of eternal life. We must show that commitment by following what the Bible commanded... being baptized wherein our sins are forgiven and God begins to walk with us as the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)
After considering what God has done for us, and in light of our sin, having “committed treason against God”, can we honestly say that God is narrow-minded?
God... in His grace and love is not narrow-minded. He has given you and I “a way through Jesus” to be at peace with Him. Maybe what we should be seriously considering... is not why is there only one way, but why is there any way at all?