It really pains me to see so much of Christianity today caught up in heresies and untruths. So many lives are at risk, as people continue to accept incorrect interpretations of what the Bible teaches simply to have a religion that suits their needs.
God knows our weaknesses and how we would try and modify His Word to suit our needs, wants and desires. His warning “not to do this” is sternly given in numerous verses throughout the Bible... none more crystal clear than Revelation 22:18-19...
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.
Much of Biblical interpretation today seems to evolve according to the group seeking to justify their actions or modify the Bible to dovetail with their beliefs.
Sloppy hermeneutic and exegesis produces a type of theology ex nihilo... a Latin phrase that simply means "out of nothing." This is a theology which has been crafted in order to support an established system of beliefs and practices. No Biblical substance. No Biblical foundation. It’s as if the authors of such theological interpretation magically wave their hands over the Bible that then produces the desired concepts and ideas... out of thin air.
Extreme caution must be exercised when interpreting the Bible, or we may find ourselves concocting a theology ex nihilo. What a sobering thought... that quite possibly some of our treasured practices and beliefs may not be firmly established upon a foundation of ultimate, objective Truth, but rather upon little more than wishful, even willful, expressions of a self-made religion. That reality could have everlasting dire consequences.
There is no question that Biblical Truth and life are on two different paths. We find ourselves constantly colliding with what the Bible says we should be doing and who we must become to please God. If that is too much of a living challenge... change what the Bible says. After all, it was written a very long time ago. Updating its meaning seems logical. Make what the Bible says fit today’s contemporary culture. Adapt God’s Word to our lifestyles. This sort of thinking, more prevalent in today’s culture than you might think, is intentional and willful rejection of God’s Word.
Over time, we have become petrified in our religious biases. This is not a new 21st century thing... it’s happened before. Jesus soundly rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for willfully invalidating the Word of God for the sake of their traditions, stating that their worship was in vain because they were elevating the doctrines of men rather than esteeming those of God (Matthew 15:6, 9). They willfully chose not to comprehend God’s Word.
One of the reasons for so much division within the Body of Christ, the greater universal Church, is that far too many persons seek to impose their own theology upon the Scriptures, instead of extracting the unvarnished truth from the the inspired writings. This is theology ex nihilo. If the only basis for our religious preferences and practices is an appeal to what God didn't say, or the creative manipulation of what He did, we have formulated a theological system "out of nothing." God doesn’t recognize it and won’t respond to the efforts of believers trapped in such heresies.
Be honest with yourself... part of the problem is we just don’t like everything God says to us. When we willfully fail to correctly comprehend the Truths in God’s inspired Word, we often feel compelled to formulate our own "truths" out of what He has not revealed -- theology ex nihilo. We elevate to the status of divine LAW our own notions about things God has not revealed or declared. We then seek to impose these doctrines, dogmas, and decrees upon others. We will restrict our fellowship to those who meekly accept our self-made theologies. In doing this, we embrace the shadows and rejected the substance. We have elevated ourselves and our institutions above Jesus our Savior. Once here... we have a well crafted religion but we don’t have an authentic relationship with Christ. Again, we are left out in the cold because Jesus doesn’t recognize or acknowledge us in such heretical thinking and practices. The life we think we are living “in Christ” is in vain.
The apostle Paul warned the young evangelist Timothy that a time was fast approaching when men would no longer desire the substantive Truths clearly revealed by God. Instead, "they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Demonic doctrines and deceitful spirits would be the companions of their newfound theology, and blessings which "God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth" would be forbidden (1 Timothy 4:1-3). No much has changed today... and Paul’s warning rest squarely at our doorstep.
When our preferences, practices, and perceptions become our "ways and means" ... when our earthly-worldly traditions are self-elevated to eternal Truth ... we truly have nothing! We have severed ourselves from our Savior in our futile quest to become self-justified, and have only succeeded in becoming self-righteous! When we rejects God's wisdom from above... the vast empty void of earthly wisdom is all that remains. (James 3:15)
My first thought in writing this article was to include a list of beliefs and practices in today’s churches that man has conjured up... “theology ex nihilo”. I wanted you to know what these things might look and feel like in the context of the Church today. I decided not to list any... you already know what they are. They are easy to detect and easy to see in practice. Some are shrouded in heavy handed legalism. Some are legitimized as excuses for divisions among believers. Why do you think there are so many denominations among Christianity? That was certainly not a “Godly idea”. Heretical practices and beliefs almost always focus on man’s wants and desires, interpreting Scripture in such ways as to turn God into a master servant who we control and waits to grant our every wish and desire. The most telling characteristic of Biblical misinterpretation... every single misinterpretation of Scripture is characterized by a lack of “love”, for “one another” and for God. Finally, the true genuine unadulterated Word of God is not burdensome. Trust in Him to help you carry your load. (Matthew 11:28-30; 1 John 5:3)
Our Lord's most scathing rebukes were leveled against the rigid religionists of His day who had become so entrenched in their own system of theological biases that they were no longer willing to openly and honestly see God's revealed Truth. They traveled far and wide to make converts to their system, but in so doing were in actuality making them "twice as much a son of hell" as they themselves (Matthew 23:15). By proclaiming a theology formulated out of nothing other than their own traditional teachings and personal perceptions and preferences, they were setting their disciples on a path to eventual eternal destruction.
In view of the grave consequences of creating, promoting and practicing misinterpretations of Scripture, it is essential that each of us do as Paul counseled Timothy... Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Timothy 4:2).
You might not like what God is saying to you. You might feel restrained or restricted in your expectations or desires by His Word. That’s okay, if you sincerely seek Him... God will work with you... through those challenges in your life. He’ll change you so that embracing His Truth is easier and a cause for joy in your life.
God’s Word is Truth. The only Truth in our world. The only pathway to salvation. (John 17:17). If what you believe or think you believe... is not in His inspired Word, then it is theology ex nihilo. It is worthless. It is dangerous to your soul!
Such theology will lead those who embrace it into that great eternal void away from the presence of God, rather than into His promise of life everlasting in His presence.